today at 12.17
I eat an apple with shell
I eat all the vitamins and preservatives and seeds
I'll take it as it is
as itself
as bitter and brittle
or sweet and solid
I´ll eat it without a murmur
I know that it will do me good
apple surrenders and request nothing
it slides piously to the heaven of apples
and I stay in/on this daily hell
which about apple remembers nothing
don´t remember me
don´t remember my hunger
i would follow jonathan into battle
42 minuuttia sitten
1 kommentti :
Hauska ja ajankohtainen.
Tunnen kohtalonomaisuutta tämän runon kanssa.
Samoja tunteita.
Samoja sisäisiä heilahduksia.
Ehkä sen takia tämä runo miellyttää minua.
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